AUsed 2400 litre / hour ice creamHTST process plant from Tetra Pak. This unitmixes, pasteurises, homogenises and cools ready for freezing of the ice cream mix.
- Manufacturer: Tetra Pak
- Model:HTST 2400
- Function: Ice cream mix process plant
- Year of manufacture: 2008
- Serial number: 1384-002
- Sterilization temperature: 85 degC
- Capacity: 2400 litres/per hour
- Technical documentation included
- Electrics: 380V / 3 Phase / 50 Hz
2x Tetra Pak Pre-Mix Tanks:
- Manufacture: Tetra Pak
- Serial number: 0810201 / 0810202
- Year of manufacture: 2008
- Capacity: 2400 litres
- Country of manufacture: Italy
Tetra Pak C8-KSM Plate Heat Exchanger:
- Manufacture: Alfa Laval for Tetra Pak
- Model: C8-KSM
- Serial number: 30106-34720
- Year of manufacture: 2008
- Volume: 262.0 L
- Design pressure: 0 – 16.0 bar
- Test pressure: 22.9 bar
- Design temperature: -10/140 degC
- Country of manufacture: Sweden
Tetra Pak Homogeniser:
- Manufacture: Tetra Pak
- Model: FBF 022
- Serial number: 08102325
- Capacity: 2400 litres/hour
- Year of manufacture: 2008
- Country of manufacture: Italy
- Valve design: Ball valve
- Number of stages: 2-Stage